Textiles - our niche market, it's what we know
Intech's FABRICS software is the world-leading Textile Inventory-Control software.
Developed specifically for textile importers and wholesalers of:
soft furnishings
carpet and vinyl
At Intech, we know every roll is different, we know there can be flaws,
we know about shrinkage, we know about pattern-matching -
that's what we do.
It handles every roll received into the system as a unique item, allowing for Batch/Dye tracking, roll notes, and flaw recording. This method also caters for easy warehouse retrieval through use of bin locations by unique rolls.
FABRICS caters for up to six prices for each Product, and multiple ways of controlling sell prices through using Debtor's Account Types, Special Pricing and discounting.

FABRICS - software modules available for the system

Textiles - a niche market we have been involved in for over 30 years
Intech’s FABRICS software is one of the world’s leading inventory and distributions systems for the textile industry.
Developed specifically for importers, distributors, converters and manufacturers of:
soft furnishings
wall coverings
carpet and vinyl
FABRICS caters for the unique requirements of textiles including multiple colours per product, roll/piece identification, fabric cutting, flaws, lossages and pattern matching.
The system handles every roll received as a unique piece, capturing details of its associated purchase order, supplier reference, batch/dye lot, grade and shade. Roll notes and flaws can be recorded.
In association with allocating bin locations for each roll/piece the system provides total stock visibility and efficient warehouse management.
FABRICS caters for up to 9 selling prices for each product with optional discounts. Rules for overriding selling prices and/or discounts can be set by individual customer or customer group.

FABRICS - software modules available for the system